View Full Version : Arona Ayuntamiento will not take responsibility for their abandoned dogs!

16-07-2011, 03:53
I rceived a phone call from a spanish resident from parque de la reina - about a poor little street dog they had been feeding " The spanish lady ' Pilar ' had rung arona coucil to be told there was nothing thy could do !! - it waS NOT THEIR PROBLEM she was told !!!
Now i just work in an animal charity shop = in los cris , so what am i suppsed to tell people ????
Having been told earlier that the correct procedure ias to ring 010, or 112 for anrona dog catcher - >???????
& having sat up on a mountain for hours on end trying to catch strays, with Carole/ young goulfer / andy 2010 etc ...

What do i tell the general public now ???? is the correct procedure - If not what s >??????

somebody answer please !

17-07-2011, 21:00
I would also like to know this as well.
Is it the same with San Miguel town hall?