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View Full Version : Unsubscribing From Threads

24-07-2011, 22:17
I keep unsubscribing from threads, only for them to take it upon themselves to re-subscribe me... ???

I get enough emails a day, without getting another couple of hundred from threads I've posted one comment in... :wall:

Please, how can I stop this once and for all? Thank you

24-07-2011, 22:23
I have stopped your notifications.

Any further problems, PM me.

24-07-2011, 22:29
Thanks Slodgie.... but another 8 just came through :(

EDIT: Oops, I was meant to pm you, sorry.... :ashamed:

25-07-2011, 00:35
It isn't immediate. They were probably posts that were already in store before the cancellation.

Should be OK from now. If not PPPPMMMM.

p.s.. You hadn't unchecked your Email notifications box.

27-07-2011, 20:05
All hunky dory now, Slodge... and inbox pleasantly quiet again.

Thank you :kiss: