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View Full Version : What's your cleaning tip/product to pass on to others?

04-06-2011, 14:39
Thought this would be a good one,we all have a product or easy way to clean something.

I've used baby oil on my stainless steel for years. Stops the fingermarks

04-06-2011, 14:42
Put pieces of lemon in a bowl of water ,put into microwave ,this takes away any smells in there .....especially after warming Indian food stuffs

04-06-2011, 14:44
Put pieces of lemon in a bowl of water ,put into microwave ,this takes away any smells in there .....especially after warming Indian food stuffswhat do you use when you want rid of the lemon smell?

Malteser Monkey
04-06-2011, 14:45
Mr Muscle Shower - if you have plastic/pvc whatever they are doors - get's rid of the water marks

04-06-2011, 14:45
We moved into a rented house that had badly stained toilets, after trying every chemical product available to remove cal (limescale) I bought a piece of (immitation) pumice stone from Mercadona.....1.50€ and my loo sparkles like new, took quite a bit of scrubbing though but the results made it worth it.

04-06-2011, 14:45
A rubber headed broom, as it is far better than any vacuum cleaner at sweeping up dog hair.

Added after 5 minutes:

Aggie gave a great tip for cleaning barbecue grills, scrunch up some aluminium foil, rub on the grill and wala, all the horrid stuff comes off easily.

04-06-2011, 15:00
Warm soapy water and newspaper to clean windows.

04-06-2011, 15:01
Warm soapy water and newspaper to clean windows.

And that does work,have tried that one befor
worse thing to use is window cleaning spray

04-06-2011, 15:02
what do you use when you want rid of the lemon smell?

Pith off ! the zest and fruit itself are fine ................:hat:

When wallpapering cover the paste table with cling film ,saves keep washing it down

04-06-2011, 15:02
Warm soapy water and newspaper to clean windows.add a bit of vinegar and they will sparkle like never before

04-06-2011, 15:05
add a bit of vinegar and they will sparkle like never before

Forgot about the vinegar:)

04-06-2011, 16:19
Not only is Bicarbanate of soda brilliant for cleaning grout on tiled floors its great at unblocking drains
Pour a quarter tub Bicarb down the drain followed by 240ml of vinegar ,it will froth up but it creates a chemical reaction that cleans drains, then flush with hot water.

04-06-2011, 16:29
Scatter bay leaves you use for cooking (laurel) in your kitchen cupboards to keep away those horrible little beige moths that get into your cereals in the summer.


PS Just realized this was a thread for cleaning and not general tips. Must have misread it.
Oh well, the bay leaves keep your cupboards clean and clear of weevils.:p

04-06-2011, 16:48
Two scoops of washing powder and fill the bath with warm water, swish it about a bit then leave over night to soak. Looks like new and nice and sparkly!!

04-06-2011, 18:00
Pith off ! the zest and fruit itself are fine ................:hat:

When wallpapering cover the paste table with cling film ,saves keep washing it down

Another DIY tip...line your roller paint tray with tin foil, just remove when finished and no mucky tray to clean!:)

Wrap paint brush (bristles only) up in cling film in between coats they will be fine for hours! works also on paint rollers.

To get tea stains off mugs and cups just fill cup with hot water and pop in a denture cleaning tablet and leave overnight adding dentures is optional!...:raspberry:

04-06-2011, 18:39
Theres a polish in Mercadona and Hyper-treble which is fantastic,its the one with the black lid (sorry without going out i cant recall the name)its a furniture polish but for dark items its amazing,settees,tables,dark ornaments,car seats,dash boards and car tyres,if you want to impress ( cheaper than back to black) just a small spray and a light dust and the results are very impressive..............brilliant

04-06-2011, 19:11
what do you use when you want rid of the lemon smell?

Indian food:hat:

04-06-2011, 20:50
One of the Craziest solutions to get Paint off Hands. is BABYWIPES.
It can remove dirty fingermarks off plastic casings Laptops and many others.
One removed oily marks off My Car Yesterday.
Dont seem to damage Babie's Bottoms either.

Stained Dishes and Cups/glasses etc, warm Water with a few measures of Bleach.
Dentures. Try leaving overnight in a Solution of Water and Harpic, (which removes Limescale)
Brush in the Morning and feel the difference., after rinsing well

04-06-2011, 23:12
Use hairspray for cleaning any biro marks of leather furniture etc.

Denture tablet in warm water is brilliant for cleaning jewellery, especially diamonds. Just leave overnight then rinse and polish

Another soap powder one, if like me you have occasionally forgotten you have something cooking and it has burnt onto the bottom of the saucepan:o disolve 1 scoop of washing powder in hot water and leave to soak over night, comes up like new.

04-06-2011, 23:23
White minty toothpaste to clean the inside of the fridge.

Cleans like cif, but leaves a nice minty smell !!

05-06-2011, 04:33
White minty toothpaste to clean the inside of the fridge.

Cleans like cif, but leaves a nice minty smell !!
Works on jewelery too, especially bisuteria!!!!

05-06-2011, 06:17
Not a tip but advice needed.
I bought a plastic bath it was in the garage for 3 years and it had plastic inside to protect it I have been cleaning it for 3 months but still cant get all the plastic off any ideas will be gratefully received

05-06-2011, 07:05
Baby wipes are good for getting marks off clothes and carpets, they even work on red wine.

05-06-2011, 11:03
Not a tip but advice needed.
I bought a plastic bath it was in the garage for 3 years and it had plastic inside to protect it I have been cleaning it for 3 months but still cant get all the plastic off any ideas will be gratefully received

Do you mean a film covering ??.......Warm it with a hair dryer as you go this should lift it .DONT OVER HEAT IT !!!

05-06-2011, 22:51
Brilliant thread, thanks Sunspot. If anyone knows how to get a cat off the keyboard with no pain involved to human, cat or keyboard, please advise.

half a lemon rubbed round basin or toilet is nicer than chemicals. throw away afterwards, please.

05-06-2011, 23:10
Brilliant thread, thanks Sunspot. If anyone knows how to get a cat off the keyboard with no pain involved to human, cat or keyboard, please advise.

half a lemon rubbed round basin or toilet is nicer than chemicals. throw away afterwards, please.

please let me put it in my husbands drink haha

05-06-2011, 23:12
Baby wipes are good for getting marks off clothes and carpets, they even work on red wine.

and really good on cream leather suits...............

06-06-2011, 00:18
When your hair staightners get gunk build up on them from hair products, use nail varnish remover to clean them.

06-06-2011, 15:01
For cleaning Chrome bathroom fittings ,polish with a little bicarbonate of soda on a damp cloth ,rinse and dry thoroughly .

Not a cleaning tip but ................place a small shirt button on the end of youe Sellotape ,makes it easy to find the end

Malteser Monkey
06-06-2011, 15:05
Brilliant thread, thanks Sunspot. If anyone knows how to get a cat off the keyboard with no pain involved to human, cat or keyboard, please advise.

half a lemon rubbed round basin or toilet is nicer than chemicals. throw away afterwards, please.

and what do you do with the other half ?

Tom & Sharon
06-06-2011, 15:13
Let the wife do it:whistle:

06-06-2011, 15:22
yep this is the best way to clean your microwave, put on for about 5 mins or so and just wipe out with a damp cloth, a clean fresh microwave the easy way

06-06-2011, 16:50
For cleaning Chrome bathroom fittings ,polish with a little bicarbonate of soda on a damp cloth ,rinse and dry thoroughly .

Not a cleaning tip but ................place a small shirt button on the end of youe Sellotape ,makes it easy to find the end

What´s wrong with just turning the end over like everyone else?:D

06-06-2011, 17:03
Thought this would be a good one,we all have a product or easy way to clean something.

I've used baby oil on my stainless steel for years. Stops the fingermarks

My friend did this and she said every bit of dust in the world stuck to it, she said never again!

06-06-2011, 17:09
My friend did this and she said every bit of dust in the world stuck to it, she said never again!

The tip is not to leave the baby oil on so thick,work it in and its great, been doing this for a couple of years and it still looks as good as new

06-06-2011, 17:57
Use toothpaste to get permanent marker pen writing off a wipe board...

06-06-2011, 18:13
Two scoops of washing powder and fill the bath with warm water, swish it about a bit then leave over night to soak. Looks like new and nice and sparkly!!

Funny you should put this on Zara. A few weeks ago, I'd run out of bathroom cleaner so used some cheap biological washing powder and as you say it leaves everything gleaming and I've noticed it doesn't attract the dust back so quickly as other cleaning products.

It also got my mascara off the floor covering which Mr Muscle wouldn't budge.

Very cheap as I only pay £1.89 for a large box of powder. Don't use anything else now.

Added after 4 minutes:

What´s wrong with just turning the end over like everyone else?:D

LOL!!! - I do like the button idea and will go and dig one out and see if it works better. :)

06-06-2011, 18:17
Funny you should put this on Zara. A few weeks ago, I'd run out of bathroom cleaner so used some cheap biological washing powder and as you say it leaves everything gleaming and I've noticed it doesn't attract the dust back so quickly as other cleaning products.

It also got my mascara off the floor covering which Mr Muscle wouldn't budge.

Very cheap as I only pay £1.89 for a large box of powder. Don't use anything else now.

I find the cheaper the product, the better the results and believe me ive tried a great range of products, some dearer ones are a complete waste of money

06-06-2011, 18:21
Another DIY tip...line your roller paint tray with tin foil, just remove when finished and no mucky tray to clean!:)

Wrap paint brush (bristles only) up in cling film in between coats they will be fine for hours! works also on paint rollers.

To get tea stains off mugs and cups just fill cup with hot water and pop in a denture cleaning tablet and leave overnight adding dentures is optional!...:raspberry:

We also use the denture tablets to keep OH's flask clean. :)

06-06-2011, 22:51
What´s wrong with just turning the end over like everyone else?:D

Thats just Common !!!!

06-06-2011, 23:27
and what do you do with the other half ?
I think I'm going to be very kind and send it to Jackie's OH for his drink ... poor man!

06-06-2011, 23:34
Have you noticed that there has not been many men offering cleaning tips, also have you notice the smilies on the subject
:laundry::mopping::dishes::washing: got to be all women they are smiling, now why is that?

07-06-2011, 00:06
Thought this would be a good one,we all have a product or easy way to clean something.

I've used baby oil on my stainless steel for years. Stops the fingermarks

Very informative thread Sunspot - enjoyed reading all the tips.
I've not used the baby oil one but use biological powder on my white ceramic kitchen sink which seems to stain easily with thrown away tea and other stuff. I let it lie for about a couple of mins then using a non scratch sponge rub it and it fairly lifts of all those stains - it also works on the stainless steel plugs for the sink. A good rinse with hot water and all is fine. I also use it for toilets and they come up a treat.:mopping:

07-06-2011, 10:07
I think I'm going to be very kind and send it to Jackie's OH for his drink ... poor man!

Too late he got the used one:lol::lol:

07-06-2011, 11:52
We moved into a rented house that had badly stained toilets, after trying every chemical product available to remove cal (limescale) I bought a piece of (immitation) pumice stone from Mercadona.....1.50€ and my loo sparkles like new, took quite a bit of scrubbing though but the results made it worth it.

Thanks a brilliant tip,we have this problem aswell,but thanks to you we now have sparkly loo´s.

08-06-2011, 18:34
Keep an old Toothbrush or two.
Ideal for reaching Parts Cloths or Fingers cant.

After peeling off Sticky Labels remove the sticky stuff with Nail Polish remover. (the Wife's)

08-06-2011, 18:43
Thats just Common !!!!


08-06-2011, 19:30
Keep an old Toothbrush or two.
Ideal for reaching Parts Cloths or Fingers cant.

After peeling off Sticky Labels remove the sticky stuff with Nail Polish remover. (the Wife's)

Not only a toothbrush Warbey, a paintbrush is fantastic at getting all the dusty bits out of the window/door runners

08-06-2011, 20:57
I use baby sterilising tablets to get the stains off teapots/cups/mugs and it leaves the plastic bowl gleaming too. Always bring some out to Tenerife as the water is so hard and if you leave your mug in the sun...Yuk! Now also use the supermarkets own version of steradent - a tip from my Mum.

Aldi dishwasher tablets the all in one variety are brilliant and very cheap - were recommended by Which? but I didn't think they would be any good - how wrong can you be..... they are brilliant!

Blu tac or similar is very good for getting marks off walls, just roll it over the mark and they vanish. Ensure the blu tac or equivalent is clean before starting the procedure!! (To remove old blu tac use new blu tac!)

A 'bought' pre wash stain remover for clothes - Mercadona does two different sprays for different stains, both are excellent.

This is a brilliant post - thanks a lot everyone!

08-06-2011, 21:33
Why bother cleaning your oven when all you have to do is switch it on for 10 minutes on high & it will kill all the bugs anyway & lets face it, it will only get dirty again when you shove the next roastie in! Throw oven out when the food droppings become so great you can't get your spuds in!:hungry:

08-06-2011, 21:40
Why bother cleaning your oven when all you have to do is switch it on for 10 minutes on high & it will kill all the bugs anyway & lets face it, it will only get dirty again when you shove the next roastie in! Throw oven out when the food droppings become so great you can't get your spuds in!:hungry:

Or an even better way to keep your oven clean...eat out haha :)

08-06-2011, 23:47
Quentin Crisp claimed that if you never bother to dust no more dust accumulates after about 6 years.

I like the pollye housework approach which mirrors my own.