View Full Version : Ventas Biombo

02-08-2011, 20:42
For the first time in six years I have had an email from Biombo, Las Chafiras. It is in my junk mail. Does the title mean that this excellent store is being sold or has a sale?? (I don't open junk mail.)

03-08-2011, 11:17
In my humble opinion Biombo is the finest store of its type here.

03-08-2011, 14:06
more likely they are just moving with the times, Margaretta. Email marketing is very powerful... Incidentally, without you actually telling us what the title is, we have no idea of knowing... ;)

Mails can disappear into your junk/spam folder for a variety of reasons, but if it shouldn't be there, ie you've opted to go on somebody's mailing list, telling your mail settings it isn't junk will mean future mailouts from that person/company will not end up there.