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View Full Version : Has there been a change in the Law for property owners who purchased without an NIE?

24-08-2011, 15:23
I have been to the Ayuntamiento for a client today, and in addition to the fact that I found out he hasn't paid IBI or Basura since he bought the property, I was also told that anyone who bought property before NIE was a legal requirement, must now come to the island and get an NIE, then change all their legal documents ( including registration at the Ayuntamiento) to reflect their NIE??????
I read that you could no longer give your lawyer power of attorney to get an NIE for you, but I did not know it extended to this!!!
Can anyone corroborate this or shed more light???

24-08-2011, 17:37
I can confirm you need an nie to buy or sell property

24-08-2011, 18:03
Yes, I know that. BUT what the Ayuntamiento told me was that despite the fact that my owner bought his property BEFORE NIEs were compulsory , it is now COMPULSORY to get and NIE and have your old paperwork updated - so he has to come to Tenerife just to get an NIE and get his detaisl changed at the Ayuntamiento!!!!! ( and anywhere else that deems this to be compullsoty now) This is going to trap an awful lot of people and my owners are scattered across the world, it just insn't feasible for some of them to do this.!!!!
I just need to know if this is the law before I scare the c**p out of him!

24-08-2011, 18:29
Dunno if this helps

24-08-2011, 18:35
feasible or not if that's the case then it has to be done i had a good look around the net to see if i could see anything but most info seems very out of date.....

Example: waiting 2/3 weeks for a number.....

Fact: last NIE we did two weeks ago took 45 mins so at least they could get over here and do it a lot quicker.

Think by what you say the Ayuntamento should really be more up to date on how things are.....maybe a quick call to a Lawyer or Gestor might help.

24-08-2011, 18:37
Can you not apply for a NIE in your local Spanish embassy/consulate?

24-08-2011, 18:49
Can you not apply for a NIE in your local Spanish embassy/consulate?

There's a thread about how to do this on the old forum http://old.tenerifeforum.com.

I would post a link, but I'm currently using my mobile. Maybe someone else can do a search there and link to it. :)

24-08-2011, 19:19
Dunno if this helps

Many thanks, this seems to suggest you need the NIE, maybe the Ayunatamiento are in cahoots with the tax office to trap more tax dodgers? I ask my gestor to confirm.
Many thanks for all the replies

24-08-2011, 23:09
Dunno if this helps

Look carefully at the dates on this link as they are way in the past- 2005 - and may no longer be current!!

You may get help from the British Embassy - see here http://ukinspain.fco.gov.uk/en/about-us/other-locations/tenerife-consulate/

25-08-2011, 02:02
If any of this IS correct then pity help Russian/Ukrainian clients who purchased property years ago and who now, for whatever reason, are unable to leave their country, and there are loads of them unable to!

25-08-2011, 14:50
Those who bought without NIE must be a long time ago because I have friends who bought 20plus years ago and still got NIE , although of course it was not compulsory then.Whe we first purchased 16 years or so ago we had to have NIE so its not new.
Could be that with new updated compuotor systems they are now unable to input a passport number only a DNI or NIE and it may just be a localised thing.I assume you are talking about Adeje Ayuntamiento who are and have been in my experince a la law unto themselves.Most town halls work very similarly but Adeje stands out ( often for the wrong reasons ! ) more often than not .
Why not ask the town hall to provide you with the copy of the Decree Absolute stating the change in the law or at the very least tell you what it is and when it was passed so you can look it up .

Hey Jude
08-10-2011, 16:32
I`ve had my Nie since 1992 and never really needed it the first few years. It was always a question of "Do you have a Nie or give me your passport No". Since then we have bought 3 and sold 2 properties, had a home line with Telefonica laid and bought 3 cars. Now it`s easy just to give your Nie.

08-10-2011, 22:50
sorry but whats the fuss about? NIE's can be gained at any spanish consulate in the country of residence of yr clients and once gained you update the council records for them. easy peasy, many uk residents get their nie's in manchester or london, you can do it in one visit - much like the police station here.

09-10-2011, 00:23
sorry but whats the fuss about? NIE's can be gained at any spanish consulate in the country of residence of yr clients and once gained you update the council records for them. easy peasy, many uk residents get their nie's in manchester or london, you can do it in one visit - much like the police station here.
How and where? This would be really useful for a lot of people if you could give deails of this.

11-10-2011, 10:17
How and where? This would be really useful for a lot of people if you could give deails of this.

See here http://www.maec.es/subwebs/Consulados/Londres/en/MenuPpal/Servicios/Legalizaciones/Paginas/nie_legalisations.aspx

This is London but the Procedure is the same throughput the Spanish Embassy/Consulate world network. They do not issue the NIE they send of the application having confirmed your identity document. Takes a long time but if you have no other option it would work.

You can also give someone a Spanish power of attorney to get you an NIE provided it included a legalised copy of your passport