View Full Version : What are your hobbies and interests?

26-08-2011, 00:22
The word 'hobby' seems a bit old-fashioned but many people have a deep fascination or activity which may amaze or interest other members of the Forum. It all gets a bit lost in profiles and would be great to see them explained here (9Plus....behave!) Some may be Tenerife based and some just....odd. What do you do apart from computers and TV?
At last my husband and I have retired and have more time to pursue hobbies. I like to make the most of every moment as it is all new but is depressing and feels like a horrid countdown.
So I am learning to paint in oils and acrylics, like looking at antiques, going to boot fairs etc. to. collect pottery I enjoy visiting gardens, photographing plants and flowers for my paintings, writing and reading.
Tenerife inspires on all levels.

What are your hobbies and why? Are there any zany collectors out there?

26-08-2011, 01:37
When I have time my 'hobbies' are drawing and motorsports/cars

I draw when I have a large amount of free time. I used to study art and design when I was younger but for some unknown reason I decided to specialise in Ceramics. Yeah good call, there's really an opening for ceramics. Should of chosen graphic design thinking back, oh well.

I work for TRS Motorsports making the harnesses for all sorts of teams and I enjoy watching most forms of motorsport although F1 is boring now, currently liking moto gp/moto2. Also go to 'Car Shows' used to show my own car but needs a bit of work to get it back to show standard

captain jack sparrow
26-08-2011, 01:46
I myself am into mortorsports like wen53, rallying in particular, and after rolling a car on a rally end over end at 120mph +, can safely say that wen53's TRS harnesses do actually work very well. :spin: :spin: :laugh:

26-08-2011, 01:56
thats cool to know I actually saved someones life! I have spent many a day watching rallying, usually in the rain. Last 1 was in blackpool in feb


captain jack sparrow
26-08-2011, 02:11
Looks to me like legend fires north west stages, I was there spectating as well, prob stood very close to you going by that pic, will try to get a pic up of our evo after the crash.

26-08-2011, 02:31
you are correct. :) Just opposite the Norbreck

captain jack sparrow
26-08-2011, 03:34

The TRS harnesses definitely saved us that day.

undies took a bit of a hammering though :laugh: :washingmachine: :washing:

Ecky Thump
26-08-2011, 08:22
My hobby or pastime is a allotment, I find I spend as many hours a week there as I used to at my work place, currently I am there seven days a week for at least ten hours a day.
It started with me as a way of growing a few vegetables, but now its more of a way of giving something to a community, the days of watching the TV or being on a computer from dawn to dusk have gone.
I think we (Fairlie Organic Growers) have over one hundred members and are growing fast, (not bad for a small Ayrshire village).

Have a look at the web site, its quite interesting and maybe not what you would expect from a old defunct boat building yard that is full of contamination from its past uses.

As soon as I am finished my breakfast, I'm off for a stint of green house building, digging up a few potatoes, picking some ripe red and yellow tomatoes and weather permitting tonight a barbecue which has been known to go on until 3am!!:)

26-08-2011, 08:31
Excellent website, a lot of hard but I would think very enjoyable work has gone into the allotments.

You should be very proud of it all.

26-08-2011, 09:07
I myself am into mortorsports like wen53, rallying in particular, and after rolling a car on a rally end over end at 120mph +, can safely say that wen53's TRS harnesses do actually work very well. :spin: :spin: :laugh:

I would love to see a separate thread on TF where members could share their experiences with photos and dialogue of their own sporting achievements. There was a member on here the other day who posted a photo of himself in a motorcyle race, and it would be great to see more.

Unfortunately I am unable to start such a thread as my aspirations of being a rally/race driver soon disappeared without the encouragement of family. However I would really enjoy reading and seeing other people's achievements. :)

I've just noticed that Wen53 enjoys drawing too. Would anyone be willing to start up a thread and post some of their drawings/paintings? Margaretta does some amazing work, but people are so shy about showing their talents. I think that's a shame.

Added after 6 Hours 22 minutes:

I'm going to boost this thread, just in case there are some members out there who would like to share their experiences and talents :)

26-08-2011, 21:37
It's not to boost but to be amazed and delighted to find two heroes here already. The film was really exciting and unnerving Wen53 and congratulations on those harnesses....a really worthwhile job! Would love to see some of your ceramics!
What a delightful site Ecky! You and the villagers have achieved so much. Hope we can all get to Ayrshire and see wonderful the allotments one day!
Captain Jack, it is very hard to concentrate on this thread when I keep seeing your gorgeous avatar!!
GFG...it's never too late! You are a very busy person at the moment and doing a lot of good things for people. Time for hobbies will come!:)

26-08-2011, 21:51
OH's hobby (or passion) is the garden. But sadly I haven't found anything yet. May be the Forum is my hobby. I'm no good at anything artistic at all which rules out a lot of hobbies for the mature! I'd really love a job but there just isn't anything. Please don't mention teaching ... not my idea of fun. I'm hoping something on this excellent thread will spark my imagination.

26-08-2011, 22:19
my interests are limited these days as i have 2 kids who take up ALL of my time these days.
I used to love horse riding and i love reading martina cole books :-)

Im a big laptop fan so my hobby is internet - as daft as this sounds i spend all my days with the kids (babies) so when they go 2 bed i get to talk adult talk on forum and engage in conversations even though not verbal..
pretty sad for a 23 yr old when my only source of communication is a laptop!

26-08-2011, 22:36
In order of importance, kids and all accompanying hobbies/sports, football ( only watching these days I'm afraid), golf, beer ( drinking not watching) and most DIY things. I not really much of a collector though I tend not to throw things away ( you never know when they will be needed again ( like one stabiliser for a child's bike???)

26-08-2011, 23:43
Cainaries, you are great at writing; why not do that?
Lozzie, sometimes being a Mum is a lonely business. We didn't have laptops when I was a Mum and I went back to work; wish I hadn't. Hobbies will come when the children are older and you have to do things with other Mums for their schools and eventually, when they are teenagers who lock themselves in their rooms (not all!) you will have more time for yourself between worrying about them!! Come on, we are women; we can multitask!!!;)
Dokgolf, sounds like you're a great dad as you make time to play with the children and you are always ready to mend things for them even stabilise them!!!:tiphat:

27-08-2011, 18:38
Writing SF, Fantasy and Macabre Tales - you can see the results on my website - www.tonythorne.com

27-08-2011, 22:37
OH's hobby (or passion) is the garden. But sadly I haven't found anything yet. May be the Forum is my hobby. I'm no good at anything artistic at all which rules out a lot of hobbies for the mature! I'd really love a job but there just isn't anything. Please don't mention teaching ... not my idea of fun. I'm hoping something on this excellent thread will spark my imagination.

I'm like you I've been looking for years for something to spark my imagination, not found it yet. I don't call hours spent at the gym and swimming a hobby, that is something I have to do. Yes I love my dog and walking but I would love to find something that I could really get engrossed in. I would love to be interested in something like stamp collecting.

I'm coming back as a man in my next life, there are so many hobbies I could do if I was a man. I could sit for hours just watching motor sport to start with .....

I agree with Margaretta you do have a flair for writing. :)

27-08-2011, 22:54
My only hobby is laziness,which naturalley rules out all others!

Davie Thistle
27-08-2011, 23:01
...........motorcycle riding, (Honda CB1300)
Drinking Whisky, (Laphroaig)
& holidays in the sun!!!! (in Tenerife!)


28-08-2011, 12:25
I'm like you I've been looking for years for something to spark my imagination, not found it yet. I don't call hours spent at the gym and swimming a hobby, that is something I have to do. Yes I love my dog and walking but I would love to find something that I could really get engrossed in. I would love to be interested in something like stamp collecting.

I'm coming back as a man in my next life, there are so many hobbies I could do if I was a man. I could sit for hours just watching motor sport to start with .....

I agree with Margaretta you do have a flair for writing. :)

Aww, thanks GFG and Margaretta. I think Sundowner has got it cracked though .... my hobby is laziness ... I like it!