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View Full Version : Has anyone had a cleaner here in Tenerife?

ali marshall
28-08-2011, 12:32
Hi,2 more weeks to go and my son starts school.So hoping to get some work cleaning.As i will proberly only have 4 hours in the morning free and 4 in the afternoon,i am going to be limited on what work i can do.

Can anyone tell me how much cleaners charge per hour.My friend already offered me his apartment to clean but i do not know how much to charge a hour.I did cleaning for one man about 5 years ago and he paid me 6 euro a hour,is this the going rate???This was to clean a one bed apartment,i proberly will be doing some ironing as well for my friend.I do work at speed but just dont want to outdo myself by under or over charging. :dishes:dontknow:

28-08-2011, 13:11
my dad gave his cleaner when she started 6e an hour and now shes been with him over 10 years when they have really busy seasons she gets 7e, it may only be a 1e but it all adds up x

ali marshall
28-08-2011, 13:27
Yeh i think 6 euro is resoniable,my partner said 8 euro thats why i asked,but i thought was too much.I always think my partner earns 5 euro a hour at work and seems crazy to pay more for a cleaner than what you got coming in a hour.Your right every 1 euro adds up lol.

Well 2 weeks to go so will start looking for work,one thing i am good at is cleaning with 3 kids at home.

28-08-2011, 13:47
Ali Nezar is right, it is normally between 8 and 10 euros per hour, and that is with the employer providing cleaning materials, don't sell yourself short.

28-08-2011, 13:55
I paid an autonomo 10€ an hour, and now pay a registered cleaning company that amount per cleaner per hour for my house - so I suppose 7€ for cash in hand would be a reasonable rate ???

ali marshall
28-08-2011, 14:42
Ali Nezar is right, it is normally between 8 and 10 euros per hour, and that is with the employer providing cleaning materials, don't sell yourself short.

Wow that seems a lot to me lol,i suppose if you work for a company they charge the home owner more,would love to earn that amount haha.
I will be looking for just a few small cleaning jobs to work round little one,im thinking if i work a bit cheaper will have more chance of finding work.But of course they would have to supply cleaning stuff,i think most people like the brands they use themselfs anyway.I would hate having my clothes washed in anything other than lenor or comfort haha,but thats me.

Added after 4 minutes:

I paid an autonomo 10€ an hour, and now pay a registered cleaning company that amount per cleaner per hour for my house - so I suppose 7€ for cash in hand would be a reasonable rate ???

Better ask this question incase anyone thinks i am gonna work and not pay into the system lol.Doreen how much can you earn before you have to pay tax or any other type of money to the social secruity.Last job i had was about 4 years ago for english bar,i had no contract etc and was just paid cash in hand,was not earing much proberly 80 euro a week.

28-08-2011, 17:04
I know of a girl that lives not far from you that charges 10€ an hour and everyone she cleans for pays it without argument.

28-08-2011, 18:58
I've had my cleaner for over 25 years. She comes twice a week for four hours each time and I pay her €8.75 per hour.
She does everything including ironing, sweeping patios, weeding flower pots and watering the garden.
She's a gem, because I don't ask her to do all those things. She just likes to do them.


28-08-2011, 22:26
I pay my cleaner 8.50 Euros an hour but she only cleans the apartment but is extremely thorough. I know it is clean.

29-08-2011, 15:50
If I were you, I'll probably ask 8 € / hour, it's not expensive at all (that's my cleaner fees anyway) and I heard that some people even charge 10€/hour.

It would be a monthly salary of around 1,280 € if you do 40 hours a week.