View Full Version : I'm going to write a letter to quit my job.

28-08-2011, 18:30
iīm going to type a letter to give them two weeks notice. that iīm going to quit.
it just WAAAAYYYY to much work for one person as a valet.even i had jobs as a valet and never work this hard.

i allways start to work at 8am-4pm 5 days a week.

but the cleaning girls finish at 4pm and i donīt finish until 5:30-6:00pm. beat tried from walking so much.
at the end my shirt is soak in sweat.
my feet bit tight and hard to walk going to the bus when i get off from work. to go home.
so i going to type a letter to give them 2 week notice.

the hotel have 9 floors with 50 rooms each.
and each floor have aless 6 to 8 bags of dirty towels and trash.
each time i take 2 bags which my cart only carry. i have to spearte the towels and the sheets and put them in the cages.alot of work for one person. 2 people no problem. but with one very hard to do.by the time my off days come iīm so tried i just wanna stay home.

i like the job yes!! but way to much work for one person. at sun beach hotel next to the bowling alley in fanabe

even at work i drink 8 littler of water because so thristy during the day.

28-08-2011, 18:35
Aw Henry that is a shame, I know it has taken you a while to find work. Fingers crossed for you :)

28-08-2011, 18:43
henry ... have you talked to the Manager ... maybe you can get some help ... i.e the maids to separate the towels and things like that ... perhaps the hotel just needs better organisation ... can you go with some positive suggestions to the Manager as to how the work could be done by all more effectively ???

28-08-2011, 18:49
Henry i agree with Doreen,talk to the manager and see if something can be done to take the pressure off you a little,jobs are very hard to come by so dont give this one up without talking to someone in authority about your problems

28-08-2011, 18:55
i have spoke to the manager thursday and she keep reply all we need is one valet for the whole hotel. and the maids allways in a rush. you should see how many red bull cans they drink doing the day aless 5-6 cans i allways see on their maid cart. yes i do like red bull but i only drink one day while waiting for the bus in the morning. the maids drink red bull during the whole day and they fly with each room cleaning. one girls to a floor. that alot for one girl. no wondor they drink red bull 5-6 cans a day...

28-08-2011, 19:31
Jobs are hard work but they are also very very hard to come by, how long did it take you to find this one? Perhapsit is different as if you had a family to support, your own mortgage you would not be thinking about quitting. Welcome to theReal World, its tough, to get through you have to work hard

28-08-2011, 19:35
it best to quit before my 3 month contact ends.i only been there for a month now. and they can still tell me we donīt need you no more. so i write the letter then. which i finsih. it a good thing still live my parents.

28-08-2011, 19:36
Jobs are hard work but they are also very very hard to come by, how long did it take you to find this one? Perhapsit is different as if you had a family to support, your own mortgage you would not be thinking about quitting. Welcome to theReal World, its tough, to get through you have to work hard

Henry apart from Christmas this is the busiest time of the year, I am sure when the schools go back the Hotel will not be as busy, so there will be less rooms occupied, why don't you try to cope for the next few weeks and see how you manage when it is quieter.

28-08-2011, 22:24
Awwww come on Henry stick with it, it will get easier as the summer ends and as you get fitter!

Think how long you was trying to get a job for before you got this one...

After all hard work has never killed anybody, have you ever heard of anyone drowning in sweat???

28-08-2011, 22:31
Henry apart from Christmas this is the busiest time of the year, I am sure when the schools go back the Hotel will not be as busy, so there will be less rooms occupied, why don't you try to cope for the next few weeks and see how you manage when it is quieter.

Spot on Primrose ..Stick it out for a few weeks Henry ,it'll soon go quieter for sure ,you sound like a hard working kind of guy who gives his all ,stick with it and see how it goes mate ,jobs these days are a lot harder to find ,i know that in my job i am basically doing the work of 2 people but i have to stick at it ,Recessions do this ,company's cut back as much as is possible,if i could, i would leave my job tomorrow,but i have to work to survive .....Get your chin up man ,be strong and you will get through it !! If all else fails ,cut corners so you aren't doing so much work ,even have a word with the maids see if they can take some pressure off you ....hope it all works out for you !!

28-08-2011, 22:39
Work should be hard, if you don't work hard you'll never get anywhere.

Just think about builders they carry stuff about everyday far heavier than bags of towels

Buy some comfortable work shoes it'll make the world of difference

How hard can seperating towels & sheets actually be?

Think yourself lucky you have a job because there's 5 Million others waiting for you a be a Quitter...

28-08-2011, 22:49
Don,t give up because it,ll become a habit whenever you get another job. Whilst i sypathise, like others have said, millions out there want a job. August, hottest month, busiest month, fewer staff due to ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????
Walk away and then what? Cannot get Govt. support? Why are you thinking about all the girls in the resort? They are definitely NOT thinking about you. Last another month and this will all seem so far in the past.

28-08-2011, 22:57
Tell you what Henry, come and work with me for a week and you will see what hard work is, moving furniture from 9 at morning until 7 or 8 or later at night day in day out, and just when you think you are finished you get a phone call from someone who has been let down with a house move by someone else so you end up working until 11 or 12 p.m.


Now that is hard work mate! ;)

29-08-2011, 01:40
Henry don't give up so easy...........jobs are hard to come by here in Tenerife and god knows if you would get another one.

The last 12 days my wife has been in the UK and i work from 10am to 8pm in my job.

Also ,most of them nights instead of going home to a VERY quite house i have helped my friend in his bar as he has been busy...8pm til 12 midnight.
On my day off today i painted my daughters room clean the house from top to bottom....then cleaned a apartment.... then went for dinner at 7pm to a friends house then at 10.30pm back to my pal who has the bar who was packed out after tonights match Madrid.
And over the last 12 days or so i loved every second of it and the big plus side i have lost a little weight.

What i am really trying to say is a little hard work won't kill anyone...look on the positive side you have a solid job and unless you can afford not to work then please think twice about giving it up.

Forgot to say if you are thinking of giving the job up....then i know a forum member now 52yrs of age would jump at the chance get down there Heff.

29-08-2011, 03:35
Henry , please dont give your boss the letter, you have had some good advice from forum members, everyone wants you to succeed in your job. i know its hard work at this time of year, Andy and Young golfer have highlighted the hours they work. You know i work in the shop 10 till 4 then i go to the pub from 9 till 2am. People are only giving you this information so that you know you are not alone. Remember the day you came to the shop..you had walked for miles asking everywhere for an opportunity and you were really disheartened, it wont be any easier now to find a new job. If your boss has noticed how hard you have worked over the summer you are more likely to get a permanent contract, please give it at least another week and see how you feel then

star light
29-08-2011, 07:05
There is nothing worse than doing a job you don't like but as other members have said work is hard to find.
When it comes to making big changes in my life i say this word to myself - HALT- am i (hungry,angry,lonely or tierd).
If i am feeling any of the above then things are best left for a another day, and some how within a few days the picture becomes clear.I hope things get better for you

29-08-2011, 07:43
Henry I have to agree with others. Work is very hard to come by and maybe where you have been out of work for a while you forgot what it is like to actually have to work. Please don't give your notice in. The most important thing I am thinking of is should you then apply for another job and need a reference what are they going to put....'Henry was a lovely person but scared of a bit of hard work'. Stick with it, get comfy shoes as suggested and get on with it. No one is indispensable and as soon as you leave there will be plenty willing to take on your job, there will also be plenty of candidates for every other job you go for and without a good reference you are going to be out of luck. Should they get rid of you before your three month contract is up at least you can be happy with yourself and the fact that you worked as hard as you could to secure the job. Your employers are aware of exactly what you do and hopefully if you stick at it you will be rewarded in the long run.

29-08-2011, 07:46
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.

- Author unknown

Jelly Baby
29-08-2011, 10:16
- HALT- am i (hungry,angry,lonely or tierd).

I really like that! It is all too easy to chuck in the towel when you you feel any of these things.

Henry, there is some excellent advice here. All I can add is keep your head down and keep going. It will get easier. There are enough forum members on here desperately trying to find work who I am sure are nodding their heads in agreement.

29-08-2011, 10:27
Henry, do not chuck in your job until you have found a new one! Look around for another one while you still have your current job,being in work when applying for another job is an advantage :) Best of luck anyway.

29-08-2011, 12:28
Welcome to the real world Henry where you have to work hard for a living to get paid at the end of the month to pay your bills and rent, buy your food and if youīre lucky, have a little bit left over for yourself. Thats life pal!!!
Get used to it because youīve got another 40 years of work to go before you retire and if you cant stick a hotel job for a couple of months then there isn't much you will be able to stick.

29-08-2011, 12:38
Come on Henry, man up... get yourself some comfy shoes, or some of those gel insoles they're great for keeping your feet from hurting. If I can walk around in 5-6 inch heels all day, you can cope in flat ones... ;)

We've all had to put in long hours during our working life, and still do. Our business is 24/7 and we can't just jack it in when the going gets tough... that's the real world, sadly.

Stick with it, it'll make a man of you... ;)

29-08-2011, 14:01
Hi Henry i feel sorry you are thinking of quiting your job you have to think really hard of the conququences f.e. unemployment for a long time to come please give it serious consideration

29-08-2011, 14:05
Can you please post you job in the Jobs section if you leave, as there will be plenty of people with families on the breadline at the moment that will be grateful of it. Emergency paro stopped for a lot of people recently, so there are people without ANY money coming in... LITERALLY. :(

29-08-2011, 14:05
tis a shame me n slodgie cant take him down t pit.maybe then he will appreciate his job more.eeee when i wer a lad.

29-08-2011, 14:21
Can you please post you job in the Jobs section if you leave, as there will be plenty of people with families on the breadline at the moment that will be grateful of it. Emergency paro stopped for a lot of people recently, so there are people without ANY money coming in... LITERALLY. :(

.... Or parents to rely on! :rolleyes:

29-08-2011, 14:40
Can you please post you job in the Jobs section if you leave, as there will be plenty of people with families on the breadline at the moment that will be grateful of it. Emergency paro stopped for a lot of people recently, so there are people without ANY money coming in... LITERALLY. :(

well said Kirsty, A guy I know has worked for almost 6 months doing 7 day weeks some weeks and 12 hour days most days only to be told by text he was no longer needed. Now he doesnt know if he will be able to stay here on te island he loves as no job equals no pay and he isnt lucky enough to have parents to support him. He has been everywhere looking for work so if there is a job going I will tell him as he isnt afraid of a bit of hard work. If my son ever gave up a job and expected me to support him he would be in for a very big shock.

29-08-2011, 14:52
oh just quit henry, jobs are like recession's, there will be another one along in a couple of years:D

29-08-2011, 14:56
Henry, I want your job.
They actually give you money, and a contract and social security.

Can I have it please.

29-08-2011, 14:59
Think Twice Henry....You have alot of good friends above supporting you....Remember Pay Day...

29-08-2011, 17:52
Jeez, Henry if you feel depressed after reading all these comments I've got the Samaritans number if you want it....

29-08-2011, 18:17
Jeez, Henry if you feel depressed after reading all these comments I've got the Samaritans number if you want it....

He tried for over a year to get this job, it's bound to take time to get used to working again after such a long time... He shouldn't throw the towel in so quickly, he needs to give himself chance to get used to it. It's got to be better than doing nothing... jobs are like gold dust at the moment... and it won't serve him well for future jobs. He'd be better hanging on in there and looking for another job at the same time.

He's started at one of the busiest times of the year, it'll start get a little quieter once the schools go back next week... and by November he'll be telling us he's bored as not enough guests ;)

Please stick with it Henry, it really will get a little easier, just give it chance... ;)

29-08-2011, 18:20
Jeez, Henry if you feel depressed after reading all these comments I've got the Samaritans number if you want it....

Why will the Samaritans give him money to stay at home.:confused:

29-08-2011, 18:27
Why will the Samaritans give him money to stay at home.:confused:

I've no idea, it was a little Tongue in cheek remark as it goes, he's been given tons of advice over two threads from lots of people. I didn't feel the need to also tell him the glaringly obvious. Hope this clears up your unwarranted confusion... :-)

29-08-2011, 18:37
He tried for over a year to get this job, it's bound to take time to get used to working again after such a long time... He shouldn't throw the towel in so quickly, he needs to give himself chance to get used to it. It's got to be better than doing nothing... jobs are like gold dust at the moment... and it won't serve him well for future jobs. He'd be better hanging on in there and looking for another job at the same time.

He's started at one of the busiest times of the year, it'll start get a little quieter once the schools go back next week... and by November he'll be telling us he's bored as not enough guests ;)

Please stick with it Henry, it really will get a little easier, just give it chance... ;)at the same time do you think the employer is using the situation to his advantage;)

29-08-2011, 18:59
at the same time do you think the employer is using the situation to his advantage;)

Quite possibly, but i still think he'd be better giving himself a little more time and look for another job meanwhile.

Surely he's posted his thoughts & reasons as he wanted our views? At the end of the day, the choice is obviously his, but I do hope he's found some of the posts/comments helpful in reaching that decision. ;)

29-08-2011, 19:20
One valet in hotels is not unusual.
Come on Henry think about the video game shop you want and try day by day to get through. Things will get easier.

29-08-2011, 19:20
Tell you what Henry, come and work with me for a week and you will see what hard work is, moving furniture from 9 at morning until 7 or 8 or later at night day in day out, and just when you think you are finished you get a phone call from someone who has been let down with a house move by someone else so you end up working until 11 or 12 p.m.


Now that is hard work mate! ;)

Gosh Andy - I didn't know you were that good looking!! ;)

29-08-2011, 19:28
Gosh Andy - I didn't know you were that good looking!! ;)

He isn't.... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

29-08-2011, 19:59
I think Henrys attitude unfortunately sums up the Youth of Today. Expect everything but dont want to work for it. Ive had to work hard blood sweat and tears for everything thats life.

29-08-2011, 20:05
well i guess i didnīt need the letter any way, today was my last working day. the manger said my try-out period has ended.today. i only had 2 months before they renew it. my manger told me iīm a hard worker but the high season is coming to a end now.so,today was my last day or working and i have to come back in a week to sign the papers. well.. it was fun while it last. maybe i can try the new iceland store that is coming soon to las americas. i donīt feel too bad. i knew it was coming sooner or later. it happed the same thing last year at hiper trebol in los crist. my parents understand. here they only hire a 3 month contact and any day during those 3 month they can let go that person. in hiper trebol last about 2 month. and sun beach 1 month and 2 days

29-08-2011, 20:07
Good luck Henry! :goodluck:

29-08-2011, 20:28
well i guess i didnīt need the letter any way, today was my last working day. the manger said my try-out period has ended.today. i only had 2 months before they renew it. my manger told me iīm a hard worker but the high season is coming to a end now.so,today was my last day or working and i have to come back in a week to sign the papers. well.. it was fun while it last. maybe i can try the new iceland store that is coming soon to las americas. i donīt feel too bad. i knew it was coming sooner or later. it happed the same thing last year at hiper trebol in los crist. my parents understand. here they only hire a 3 month contact and any day during those 3 month they can let go that person. in hiper trebol last about 2 month. and sun beach 1 month and 2 days

Very best of luck Henry. I wonder who'll they'll get to lug all those sheets and towels about now? The way the laws work here (or are interpreted here) are really bizarre.

29-08-2011, 21:43
Never mind henry, you tried your best and alot of places treat staff like this..it saves them money. Ask for a reference from them, the experience will have done you good (even if it was hard work), have a little rest and start again xx

29-08-2011, 21:49
The very best of luck to you henry,put your feet up for a week or so then see what jobs are about

29-08-2011, 21:57
My tip for next time:- Don't say anything to the manager until you get another contract. Preferably indefinido

29-08-2011, 22:08
Good luck for the future Henry.... ;)