View Full Version : Appeal for support for the family of Jordan Walchester. Please sign our petition

08-09-2011, 17:32
Good Afternoon,

I hope I have posted this in the right place.

Last year, a friend of mine was found dead on La Troya beach in Playa de las Americas. Basically to cut a long story short, the Tenerife authorities are refusing to release the full Police report and post mortem details, so his family will never know what actually happened to him.

Jordan Walchester was a smashing lad from Stoke-on-Trent and very very well liked by everyone who knew him...

Please could you take a minute of your time to join an online petition for full details of his death to be released, to enable the family to at least try and bring a little bit of closure to such a terrible time.


Thanks :) x

08-09-2011, 18:23
Im sorry Jordans family have been put through this, I will sign your petition to help find out the truth. perhaps someone on the forum with local legal knowledge can explain why the police may have withheld the details. I hope they get some answers soon x

08-09-2011, 18:36
I've signed it too

08-09-2011, 18:56
It must be a terrible situation to not know the full facts,i will sign it too

08-09-2011, 22:11
Can't begin to imagine how it feels to loose a child but not knowing the truth of how they died must be unbearable. I will sign it too.

08-09-2011, 22:26
hi i have just signed good luck to the family hope they get the answers to their questions

08-09-2011, 22:32
i will also sign it to. good luck

08-09-2011, 22:53
Count me in, R.I.P Jordan.

08-09-2011, 23:08
This must be a very difficult situation for the family and of course the language barrier can add to any problems. I understand from what I've read online that the Spanish authorities do not issue details to the family and normally just issue a death certificate with cause of death described as Accidental, Natural Causes etc. If the family want to see the autopsy report and any Police reports they have to go to court to obtain them so they would need to enlist the services of a solicitor here to do this.

09-09-2011, 00:01
I have signed in and shared it amongst my 600 or so friends, hope it helps! :)

09-09-2011, 08:04
OK, hands up I admit - I am a dummy!! I looked to sign it, but couldn't find where to :(

Edit: I've clicked on 'like' so hope that does it.

09-09-2011, 10:05
Hi goforgold, once you have picked like, you can leave a comment, but i think liking it will be fine and count as a signature x

Karen W
23-09-2011, 23:36
Hi Eileen, This is what I will do next we have waited all this time and the powers that be at the FCO never told us this was the only way, thanks to everyone who has joined the Petition, its also on facebook under Justice for Jord. I know it wont bring him back,but at least we will know the reason for all this sufffering x