View Full Version : Would you use deadly force to protect your home?

19-09-2011, 07:13
As its in the news in the UK today,What would you do to an intruder in your home?

19-09-2011, 07:18
I would let them take the lot as long as my family were safe. Material things can be replaced, a life can't. Yes the burglar is in the wrong in the first place and our natural instinct is to protect what is ours, but are possessions worth losing a life over.

My father owned Betting Shops pretty much all his life and my mum also worked in some of the shops. The first thing any staff are told if they are held up is give them the money and don't try and be a hero. Have to say that statement probably saved my mums life on a couple of occasions when they were held up at gun point

19-09-2011, 09:23
Shoot them!

Tom & Sharon
19-09-2011, 09:30
An Englishman's home is his castle.........
It's not the material possessions, its the fact that some low life thieving scumbag thinks he/she can enter your home and help him/herself to your hard earned goods and the emotional trauma it can bring to some people.

SHOOT THEM AND THEN DISMEMBER THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!:blast::blast::blast::grrrr:


19-09-2011, 10:20
As its in the news in the UK today,What would you do to an intruder in your home?

I think any direct answer to this question is hypothetical as until you are actually put in the position where you feel that you and your loved ones are being threatened by some low life scumbag, you can't actually state categorically how you would react.

PS - There should be a Don't Know option on the survey

19-09-2011, 10:27
All my window frames are prepared for electric shock


19-09-2011, 10:55
Defending yourself and/or family is one thing. Your home is another. We all know what we'd like to happen but deadly force would have serious consequenses if the baddie was unarmed when he was making off with your telly. The villain in today's case was stabbed to death but who's knife it was we don't know. If he went in with it then you'd have to assume he intended to use it. Unless your life was at risk, I very much doubt if many of us could find it in themselves to plunge a knife into someone and kill them. Defence is a natural reaction for most, killing isn't.

19-09-2011, 11:02
Considering the fact i have children i would do anything possible to make sure they were safe...
Ive got knives hidden all round my apt just incase it ever happens - 2 under the matress in my room, 1 under the cushion of couch, 1 above the bathroom door and obviously loads in my kitchen oh yeah i have a baseball bat hanging behind my door too.
People these days can never be to careful...

19-09-2011, 11:05
Considering the fact i have children i would do anything possible to make sure they were safe...
Ive got knives hidden all round my apt just incase it ever happens - 2 under the matress in my room, 1 under the cushion of couch, 1 above the bathroom door and obviously loads in my kitchen oh yeah i have a baseball bat hanging behind my door too.
People these days can never be to careful...

You may have to find new hiding places now....you've just revealed their whereabouts to the world Lozzie..:D

19-09-2011, 11:07
You may have to find new hiding places now....you've just revealed their whereabouts to the world Lozzie..:D

yeah ur right probs jinxed myself now but we shall see. been lucky not 2 have anything happen and on the bright side IF anything did,i live below a paramedic haha x

19-09-2011, 11:12
It appears that particular burglar had brought a knife with him ( presumably for self protection from the poor defenceless home owner). It appears he was killed with his own knife. It appears he picked on the wrong home owner. It appears justice was served. Personally, I cannot congratulate the house owner enough.

19-09-2011, 11:22
I dont believe anyone would do anything rationally, when in a situation like this the adrenalin is running high and nobody could say what they would definitely do, It happened to us when i lived in the uk and we discovered a burglar in our garage, my hubby ran into the garage and dragged the burglar into the house and we kept him there till the police arrived, how different the situation could have been if he had of had a knife or a weapon!! you just dont think straight when it happens.

19-09-2011, 11:44
I agree that you would need to be in that position before you know how you would react. Fight or flight kicks in, if the burglar was down the stairs rummaging through your kitchen would probably encourage a different reaction than if they were in your childs bedroom. I remember my daughter was threatened once and the rage i felt shocked me, I got a hold of them and if it wasn't for more rational people around at the time I know i would have seriously injured them. Whereas when i managed as shop a little junkie came in with an even littler knife, he was just irritating so i told him to efff off..which he did.

19-09-2011, 11:48
I think its true that nobody knows exactly how they would react but I am horrified that this homeowner is being treated like the criminal! It also does not matter if the intruder was armed or not, you wouldn´t stop to ask him especially if your family were in the house. Fact of the matter is the thief/thieves were in the guy´s house uninvited he didnt know what their intention was i.e to steal property or harm the family so in that circumstance I think most people would arm themselves and fight to protect their loved ones. There is too much emphasis placed on the rights of these scumbags who carry out crimes perhaps if they thought they may get hurt or worse it might deter them from their chosen career path!

Davie Thistle
19-09-2011, 13:18
:twak:.......anybody that intrudes in my world without an invite - thieving scum etc.,
or causes any grief with me and mine gets it! - if I can!

No questions asked.
Shoot first and ask any questions after.

19-09-2011, 13:34
Wouldn't kill them - just shoot their balls off!
Aim low...

19-09-2011, 13:45
It's just been on the local news here that he has been released on bail. The suggestion is he could be charged with murder. I always assumed murder was premeditated and manslaughter was on the spur of the moment or accidental. Either way, GMP have a good track record lately of wrongdoers who get killed in the course of their actions nothing happens to the intended victim. Quite right too!

19-09-2011, 13:48
Just hope my knife would be bigger than his!eek2:

19-09-2011, 14:30
go get a friend !!

Mr Taser