View Full Version : What do you think about internet dating?

24-09-2011, 19:22
i met a fella on the net recently and weve been getting on really well on msn and facebook. since my last fella left its been nice talking and flirting with someone else after all this time.

what do you think about it. is it safe? is it beneath me to find lurve on the internet or should i embrace it?

opinions please... as i may invite him out to the rock if the replies are good! :D

24-09-2011, 19:29
Just be careful , nothing wrong with meeting people via the Internet!

24-09-2011, 19:32
Just be careful , nothing wrong with meeting people via the Internet!well at least i know what he looks like, as he posts pics on facebook and they must be real ones otherwise his mates would be making comments like 'wtf?' :D

unless all his mates on fb are girls like me...... :eek:

24-09-2011, 20:38
Seems to have worked well for my daughter. She is very happy with the guy she met on a dating site.
Even talking about moving to Reading with him!

24-09-2011, 20:40
what? she couldnt read before... or are you talking about the place, reading? lol

only joking :D

Thanks for the encouragemetn. the only folks i can find that like my persoanlity are on the net, as im a bit outrageous! :D ;)

24-09-2011, 20:52
what? she couldnt read before... or are you talking about the place, reading? lol

only joking :D

Thanks for the encouragemetn. the only folks i can find that like my persoanlity are on the net, as im a bit outrageous! :D ;)just be sure he aint from nigeria or zimbabwe:wink:

24-09-2011, 22:17
Its Ok chatting to someone but you don't know them until you have met them in real life. They can be so different from what you expected.

Been there done that and not always a nice experience. Hope it works out for you.

25-09-2011, 09:10
Go for it Sunseeker, if I was in a position where I wanted to meet someone I'd have no hesitation. Yes, you have to be careful if you actually arrange to take it further and meet someone, but you really don't know anyone initially, wherever you meet them, unless introduced to you by a friend.

I know of several ladies who are meeting up with men this way. One of them has only just started internet dating and she's chosen 5 men to meet and as she says if they are no good, she'll have a supply to last her years and at least keep her amused!! :)

If you never meet up with them Sunseeker, as you say you've had some good fun chatting and flirting! ;)

25-09-2011, 10:45
Go For It!!
Invite him over for a week and see how it goes - if you find he irritates you or he feels he cant handle you atleast you can say you gave it a shot and can make a friend out of it..

Thousands of people are doing it these days so i dont think there is an issue of whether its right or wrong to meet people this way... Sometimes i think i should look into it as i dont get out much myself to be able to meet guys and date etc.

Go for it Definetly!!

25-09-2011, 10:57
Good luck and please let us all know how you progress with new man.

25-09-2011, 11:06
Go For It!!
Invite him over for a week and see how it goes - if you find he irritates you or he feels he cant handle you atleast you can say you gave it a shot and can make a friend out of it..

Thousands of people are doing it these days so i dont think there is an issue of whether its right or wrong to meet people this way... Sometimes i think i should look into it as i dont get out much myself to be able to meet guys and date etc.

Go for it Definetly!!

Give it a try Lozzie - you've got nothing to lose and you'll have a laugh on the way!! :)

25-09-2011, 12:47
My daughter got chatting to a bloke on a social networking site. A few weeks of chat, realised they had very similar sense of humour. Swapped photos and email addresses and as he lives locally they decided to meet.

It's been a couple of months now and they are almost inseparable. He's a lovely lad!

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

25-09-2011, 13:10
I met my other half on the Internet , we got married 6 months later , that was 12 years ago !!!!!!
4 kids later and we are still happily married , we've gobsmacked the ones that said "I give it a year" lol
You only live once , make the most of it

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

25-09-2011, 15:50
Life is too short to say later "if only"

25-09-2011, 16:07
thanks for all the replies. its all food for thought. i shall take each day as it comes :D

25-09-2011, 16:44
thanks for all the replies. its all food for thought. i shall take each day as it comes :D

That's the spirit!! It's surprising how quickly you can bounce back meeting new friends. :)

25-09-2011, 23:39
Give it a try Lozzie - you've got nothing to lose and you'll have a laugh on the way!! :)

I wouldnt know where to start..
I havent given up hope yet that somewhere on this island theres some one for me.
wishful thinking.... maybe?