View Full Version : Is it considered fun nowadays to be bitchy?

30-09-2011, 14:27
Are people more bitchy these days? It seems to me that my parentsīgeneration were altogether kinder and more polite - (Iīm 70 odd BTW.) I miss that kindness. The fashionable thing to be these days, if one reads Facebook or Twitter or the Tenerife Forum :nono: is to be nasty, spiteful, jealous, envious. I think the world has gone to the dogs in a handcart - or words to that effect. Anyone else feel the same way?

30-09-2011, 15:08
I think the world is the same as it ever was.Full of all sorts,good and bad.The social network sites and forums expose you to more of everything and everybody so you will tend to see more negativity than you would normally be exposed to,off the internet.A lot of posts on line can lead to people wading in to offer their opinion,be it good or bad.I think that some people cannot resist having a snipe,because that's the way they are.Some others think before they post and maybe decide its not worth posting negativity and don't bother.So the negative posts seem to give the impression that everyone is mean,nasty etc.I think the moaners found their home online where the rest just get on with it.The silent majority so to speak.Who is being mean to you?Send them round to me and I will sort them out. :)

30-09-2011, 15:26
Thanks for your optimistic input and your kind offer! It is a general thing I think. I read so many snide remarks on various forums and comments and blogs on the internet, I guess it leaves me feeling depressed and jaded. My OH certainly thinks so, he says itīs bad for my health. Maybe heīs right? And when I think about my lovely parents and the family I knew as a child Iīm glad theyīre not around to witness the changes sometimes. I know it takes good and bad and twas ever thus, but overall, especially amongst the kids these days, it seems to me there is a climate of bitchiness, as if itīs clever or entertaining to be that way. Ah...is it age creeping up perhaps? Whatever.......Iīm out, as the dragons say.

30-09-2011, 15:26
I do think that people would be alot happier in themselves if they where like who people seemed in the "olden days" My grandad was 87 when he died and he would always say the same as you Rosemary..

These days especially online people dont seem to have anything better to do than cause rifts and petty arguements online to amuse themselves at other peoples expense...
i THINK it depends on the person when it comes to bitchyness - Some people are just like that and its in their nature to be bitchy/back stabbing etc.. yes ive come across them on facebook/tenerife forum/ bebo etc!!
They are EVERYWHERE!!!

30-09-2011, 16:04
I totally agree bitchiness appears to be on the increase or it certainly seems that way. I don't think people really think about what they say before they open their mouths, It can be very hurtful. I also think its difficult to tell the intentions of the person when the comment is written instead of verbal and due to this feel we should take much more care when we post on social networking sites and forums etc. I myself am quite straight and to the point when i've got something to say, but like to consider the way i say things so as not to cause offence.

30-09-2011, 17:24
Thanks for your optimistic input and your kind offer! It is a general thing I think. I read so many snide remarks on various forums and comments and blogs on the internet, I guess it leaves me feeling depressed and jaded. My OH certainly thinks so, he says itīs bad for my health. Maybe heīs right? And when I think about my lovely parents and the family I knew as a child Iīm glad theyīre not around to witness the changes sometimes. I know it takes good and bad and twas ever thus, but overall, especially amongst the kids these days, it seems to me there is a climate of bitchiness, as if itīs clever or entertaining to be that way. Ah...is it age creeping up perhaps? Whatever.......Iīm out, as the dragons say.
If it is getting you down just remember its only the internet,it's not real life.If some posts get you down then leave it all alone for a while,or go and look at some inspiring web pages.All I know is while times and attitudes change,most people are essentially good natured and under the mean,snide,rude,bitchy exterior,is a confused nice person.

Or turn off your computer and go out into the sun. :)

30-09-2011, 19:29
it also applies to Generations, so, Young/ish People wont see it the same.
in general, though Lozzie appears to.

When I was a Kid We didnt lock our |Doors when We went out. That says it all.
Go out in a Car and see the selfish ME ME ME people about.
I dont go on other Forums or facebook etc. I dont feel the need to, but I respect Others wishes too

I made a jokey post a few Days ago and some got really annoyed.. Thats their problem.
It takes two to argue.. If You dont, let Them find someone else, because They will..

There are still a lot of lovely People out there, quite a few on here too, but there
are too many who fall short of common decency and Manners.
Not Everyone though..

30-09-2011, 20:56
it also applies to Generations, so, Young/ish People wont see it the same.
in general, though Lozzie appears to.

When I was a Kid We didnt lock our |Doors when We went out. That says it all.
Go out in a Car and see the selfish ME ME ME people about.
I dont go on other Forums or facebook etc. I dont feel the need to, but I respect Others wishes too

I made a jokey post a few Days ago and some got really annoyed.. Thats their problem.
It takes two to argue.. If You dont, let Them find someone else, because They will..

There are still a lot of lovely People out there, quite a few on here too, but there
are too many who fall short of common decency and Manners.
Not Everyone though..

I totally agree.. Here on the forum ive met some lovely people and ive quickly realised who the trouble causers were ( on the old forum that is), There doesnt seem to be so much negativity anymore OR it could be that people have chosen different usernames nethertheless like you said they are doing what they do through a computer screen & if you let it bother you it will - if you dont then let it go over your head... you dont have to retaliate at all...

My grandad used to tell me about how children would play in their front gardens, leave their front doors unlocked and not worry at all about what people thought or what people could do as it just wasnt the done thing to talk about people & intrude on peoples lives the way some people do these days..

01-10-2011, 21:12
Are people more bitchy these days? It seems to me that my parentsīgeneration were altogether kinder and more polite - (Iīm 70 odd BTW.) I miss that kindness. The fashionable thing to be these days, if one reads Facebook or Twitter or the Tenerife Forum :nono: is to be nasty, spiteful, jealous, envious. I think the world has gone to the dogs in a handcart - or words to that effect. Anyone else feel the same way?

I think Rosemary , we are exposed to many more people now days with the internet and the various forums ....Years ago we just knew our family , friends and work circle ....and I think when people can hide behind a computer they say/write things they wouldn't dare if face to face ....

I am only on 2 forums , this one and TripAdvisor , and I have in the past experienced the very worst kind of bitchiness ....but at the same time such support and kindness , which outweighs the bad ....:respect:

Malteser Monkey
01-10-2011, 23:18
IMO you are what you say........ :cheeky: