View Full Version : Neither use nor ornament ... but who decides?

04-10-2011, 22:58
We are trying to organise a clear up. I am beginning to accept that I am rather a 'hoarder'. So OH holds out the bin bag and I throw in a few things and then I come to something of his ... oh, nope, that can't go in .... put it to one side, carry on throwing in my stuff ... another gardening magazine .. oh. nope, that can't go in the bin bag either. So what is use or ornament to me is rubbish but that which is use or ornament to him is treasure.

How to over come this problem without deciding he is neither use nor ornament ?!?

04-10-2011, 23:10
We have the same problem which is why we have a spare room.

To me, if it hasn't been used in the past 6 months then it goes, either sell or bin.

OH has a similar rule only instead of 6 months it's more like 6 years..:mad:

04-10-2011, 23:22
We have the same problem which is why we have a spare room.

To me, if it hasn't been used in the past 6 months then it goes, either sell or bin.

OH has a similar rule only instead of 6 months it's more like 6 years..:mad:we have a double loft lol a few years ago we brought the house next door to us and knocked the 2 houses into 1, so we have a massive loft that we boarded out and had electrics fitted, and you can not move up there for stuff we brought over 25 years ago:dontknow:

05-10-2011, 00:28
we have a double loft lol a few years ago we brought the house next door to us and knocked the 2 houses into 1, so we have a massive loft that we boarded out and had electrics fitted, and you can not move up there for stuff we brought over 25 years ago:dontknow:

We still have stuff stored in OH's sisters house since we moved here in 1994.

When I say stuff, I don't mean something that we would ever use again.

Mostly old stereo stuff, that's worth as much as a chocolate fire guard, but can we get rid?...No!

Her twin's as bad as her...

05-10-2011, 19:56
OH's challenge is if I can't tell him what's in a box he's entitled to throw it away. Sometimes he does this in my absence. This was particularly unfortunate when the box happened to contain all our original documents and insurance policies. I still don't quite know why that was my fault.

05-10-2011, 20:00
We still have stuff stored in OH's sisters house since we moved here in 1994.

When I say stuff, I don't mean something that we would ever use again.

Mostly old stereo stuff, that's worth as much as a chocolate fire guard, but can we get rid?...No!

Her twin's as bad as her...you never know mate it may be worth a few bob some day, you know what they say "one man's rubbish is another man's fortune":wink:

05-10-2011, 20:05
After the Kids left We had two spare bedrooms.
One Hers the other His.
Then We moved to somewhere smaller and HAD TO throw a lot away.

09-10-2011, 16:12
Don't throw it away...have fun with it!
My daughter and I had a big sort of the spare room and carried piles and piles onto the lawn. We made big labels. We intended to sort for Ebay, a boot fair, giveaways to appropriate recipients, charity shop, rubbish and keep.

It took us from 9:30 a.m. until about 2:00p.m. to carry it outside and begin to sort. We had some lunch in the garden.It was a hot, sunny day and the task seemed overwhelming so........ we put it all back in the spare room.

Retirement has helped (a bit more time to sort) and an enforced clear-out when we had extra guests staying and needed to decorate and set up the room. If they hadn't come it would probably still be there!:ashamed:

Hubby secretes away all his old garments 'in case I need them for gardening or decorating.'
OK...but he could wear a different 'old' outfit every day for several weeks!

09-10-2011, 19:37
We had all the Central Heating System renewed five or six Years ago. Complete redecoration A.S.A.P.
Last Year We moved to a smaller House.
Two Categories. Sellable or not.?
Very different with a time limit.
Result..Very little surplus but still sorting out a few things..