Looking for ladies to join our choir in Los Cristianos - part of the Arona School of Music & Dance, not a church choir. Rehearsals at the Cultural Centre twice a week Monday & Wednesday evenings from 7.30-8.30 pm. The choir's run by a Canarian lady called Cande (Candelaria) & members are multi-national - 2 or 3 English, French, German, Columbian, Argentinian, Chinese ... & a few local ladies too! We sing in Spanish, Latin, French, Italian, English ... some of the pieces we sing are formal choral pieces (eg. Ave Verum) & some are more Canarian traditional songs. We've performed in Los Cristianos church & also sung in Arona church as part of their service, but we're not a "church choir" & we're currently practising for a concert at Christmas. Numbers are dwindling & we're down to about 10 people so we desperately need new members! Please please come along & bring friends too. If you want to PM me with your email address or phone number, I can give you any more info. Hope to see some of you there!