Every time we visit we find somewhere new to explore or a new occasion in which to participate. Hubby currently has a knee problem and I dislike walking uphill so the flatter areas are more suitable for us.

Some of our favourites are Palm Mar Nature Reserve by the sea which is colourful and serene. Go down into Palm Mar, drive to the bottom, round the roundabout and turn right about two roads up again. Drive as far as you can and park by what looks like a Martello Tower. (We think it houses generators).

The walk across the reserve has some beautiful coastal scenery and the path is mostly well-made. If you are feeling ambitious you could walk to the lighthouse. Do wear comfortable shoes and take water or even a picnic....no bars on route. Don't forget the camera.

The front and harbour walks at Las Galletas are real suntraps and you get a great view of the mountains as you choose your expensive yacht and dream. This holiday we also tried the other end of the harbour past Via Moana. Don't wear expensive jewellery or look even vaguely prosperous. The scenery and pathways are stunning but there are hippies and oddballs camping here and there. We saw a fight and an amusing alcoholic lady asked hopefully for a cigarette. The scenery from the top of the hill is glorious and there were lots of little coves with turquoise waters. It was midday and very hot so we eventually made our way back into El Fraile and back to Las Galletas. Wear good shoes. The bar is at the beginning of the walk so water and possibly a snack advised to give you energy! Reasonable footpaths but firm footware is a good idea.
There was a sale day at San Miguel with huge reductions on items from the shops. Sadly it was our only cold, windy day but you could see how there would normally be a great atmosphere with the rows of yellow and white mini-tents and entertainment. Next time.....