Hello, my name is Kamila and i have been teaching English for over 8 years. I am Czech but my English is clear and easy to understand. I have Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English and South African Bachelor of Education. I would like to move to Tenerife within 18 month. My partner and our child will come with. My partner would do any job available.
Where do you recommend we settle first? I would say i need to be close to Spanish schools and potential clients, while he needs to be close to bar work and hotels. Would it be difficult for us to find jobs?
Do you think I need Celta or similar diploma if I am already qualified to teach? Is there a prejudice against non native esl teachers?
In order for us to work, we need to enrol our son is preschool. How fast can it be done and are there free places?
I will be greatful for any tips. This is not an adventure for me, I am really unhappy living in a cold, landlocked country and I want to relocate permanently.