some of you may remember a little red haired puppy, with a foxy tail, wandering near the building site in chayofa back in summer of 2011. We took him in, fostered him, for past 3-4 months & with Live aricos' help sent him off to his new home today in u.k. Many thanks to all that helped.

this is my little tribute to him ....
" Sad streetwalking boy, dodging cars by day,
raiding bins by night,
looking for a treat, or maybe a fuss,
avoiding the wheels of the Jungle Park bus.

Then you followed us home, & walked into our lives
a lonely boy, just looking for love.
A tonic for Molly, A bringer of fun,
naughty & playful,you so loved to run ..

A mischevious soul, whose name became known
to our neghborhood friends - at work & at home,
At the charity shop
to chew the loose ends ,
of anything dangling
not out of your reach,
then escape once again
for a trot to the beach.

Then plans for your future,
took hold of our time, arrangements made,
the money raised, your health oke'd
Your flights all booked & nothing more owed

Then the day came & went
when you flew from our hearts
to your new home in England
of grass, trees & parks.

The sadness hit home
as we kissed you goodbye
a gap in our lives
a strong urge to cry....

Then happiness for you
in your new forever home
our pleasure in this knowledge
that wherever you roam

you will think of us often
& remember the sun,
the beaches, & Molly,
& maybe your mum !!

love you Bongo