Katie Parker BCBA (Board certified behavior analyst) will be joining us next week in Tenerife.
Katie is a highly respected behavior consultant specializing in ABA

ABA (applied behaviour analysis) Although this can be used as a highly effective intervention for autism it can be used to help with anything from treating eating disorders, behavior problems at home or school to things such as personal safety, hygiene or social skills.
Behavior analysts examine the causes and consequences of behavior then develop interventions based on this information. This usually means giving the person functional skills and helping them to reduce the behaviours that get in the way of them learning.

We are aware there is limited help available to English speaking people on the island so Katie Parker along with Gillian Ross who is the resident ABA tutor working for Katie will be offering a free introduction to ABA workshop on Sunday 24th May 1pm at Callao Learning Centre, Callao Salvaje.

If you have any questions or would like to join us on 24th May please pm me